Bringing Nature Into Schools

Luis and Ali discuss Ali’s article “Are Green Schoolyards the Solution to Teaching in a Pandemic?” on the topic of Green Schoolyards and how this movement has gained traction during the limitations that the pandemic has imposed on learning institutions.

Luis Gonzalez Kompalic

Luis Gonzalez Kompalic is a writer for the FootprintApp’s Newsroom Team. 

He has a degree in English and Latin American Studies from Colby College in Waterville, Maine, where he graduated during the pandemic. At Colby, he experienced the effects of an environmentally-conscious institution on the individual. Colby’s green efforts found their way into every facet of his student life, from varsity athletics to the residence halls. 

Luis is originally from Venezuela and has also lived in Brazil and South Africa. He has seen how human impact can turn city waterways into sewers, reduce animal populations, and cover oceans in oil. Still, he has also observed how community efforts can clean waterways, keep animals safe without halting development, and protect oceans from future damage.


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