Make your impact carbon-neutral and beyond.

Take an active approach to living carbon neutral.


Calculate it.

A wise person once said, “you cannot manage what you do not measure.” Learn more about your environmental impact by calculating your carbon footprint. Whether you’re hosting an event, determining your household emissions, or just understanding your lifestyle, Footprint App, Inc. has the tools for you. Calculate your footprint today!


Reduce it.

Turn your knowledge into action. Once you’ve calculated your impact, take steps to reduce it by using Footprint’s flagship mobile application - and take it a step further with our friends at Project Drawdown! Daily changes can help you form more sustainable habits, and like a fitness tracker, Footprint is here to help.

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Offset it.

Your net-zero life can start at any time in your climate action journey. Now that you’ve explored options for a more sustainable future, you can minimize your mark today. If you just want to eliminate the impact of an event or a year of your emissions, you can go for our Instant Net-Zero program. Or, if you want carbon-neutrality for the long-term, try our Carbon Neutral Subscription!